Togliamoci tutti i dubbi con Bobux

A casa con Family Nation
in diretta con Callisto Zanellato di @bobuxitalia e Emilia Mugnai


Bobux sono scarpine per bambini neozelandesi il cui motto è: la cosa migliore dopo i piedi scalzi!

Abbiamo parlato di:

  • Morfologia del piede del bambino: piedini liberi, piedini felici! Come funzionano i piedini... e perché liberarli!
  • Guida pratica alla scelta della scarpina perfetta per il nostro bambino!
  • Fasi di crescita, forma e struttura della scarpa!
  • Errori dubbi e domande frequenti!


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Un post condiviso da (@myfamilynation) in data:


Piedini felici! Perché è importante che i nostri piedini siano felici?

Noi siamo felici quando abbiamo la possibilità di esprimere noi stessi al meglio e se i piedini sono felici noi siamo felici!


Il piede è un organo di moto, un organo attraverso il quale il corpo si termoregola ed è anche (cosa più importante) un organo di senso.

Lo sapevi che? Le cellule propriocettive sono cellule che si trovano in due parti del corpo umano: sui polpastrelli della mano e sulla pianta del piede. Le cellule propriocettive danno la percezione di se stessi nello spazio. Queste cellule rappresentano quindi, in senso più ampio del termine, la sensibilità. E il piede ne è ricco.

Se noi non permettiamo ai nostri piedi di essere ciò che sono (quindi organo di senso) noi non avremmo mai piedini felici e non saremo mai felici.

Bisogna dare la possibilità al piede di essere ciò che è: organo di senso, organo termoregolatore e organo di moto.

Il piede darà al bambino tantissime informazioni e il bambino potrà così esprimersi al meglio in tutta la sua fisicità e quindi essere felice!


Da quando iniziare a mettere le scarpe ai bambini?

La scarpa, ci spiega Callisto, in ogni caso è sempre un compromesso perchè stare scalzi a piedi nudi sarebbe meglio ma, per ovvie ragioni, bisogna scendere a un compromesso.

Si incomincia a mettere la scarpina al bambino quando se ne ha una reale necessità: quando lo porto fuori e fa freddo, quando lo porto fuori e si deve appoggiare sul terreno, ecc...

Quando ha bisogno della scarpina si mette, sennò no: meglio a piedi scalzi.


È arrivato il momento della scelta della scarpina? Ecco la guida:

Il bambino non è un adulto in miniatura: tutto ciò che pensi che per te sia comodo per lui non necessariamente lo sarà. Ricordatelo!

Non guardate la taglia perchè cambia da brand a brand. Guarda la lunghezza in cm e confronta le tabelle delle taglie.

Ma questo non basta.

Devi guardare anche la forma del piede.

1 FORMA (forma del piede e forma della scarpa)


Cosa fa il bambino con i piedi? Come li usa? Che movimenti fa?

Fa movimenti strani? Non preoccuparti, deve farli. Dobbiamo permettergli di fare tutti i movimenti che lui farebbe istintivamente.

E da lì capire la scarpa adatta per quel momento.

(attenzione: non bisogna guardare l’età perchè i bambini sono tutti diversi)


Bobux parte da qui! Analizza: le diverse forme dei piedi in ogni fase, i modi di utilizzo che i bambini ne fanno nelle diverse fasi e gli obiettivi di ogni fase. Da qui pensa e produce la scarpina ideale per ogni fase e step fisiologico che il bambino deve raggiungere. Quindi c’è una scarpina per ogni fase.

Per consigliare la scarpina giusta bisogna capire in che fase è il bambino.


Per questo ci siamo noi di che siamo in grado di darvi tutto il supporto telefonico, via chat e via email necessario per capire quale sia la scarpina giusta per vostro figlio. Quindi scriveteci se avete dubbi, contattateci. Saremo sempre a vostra disposizione.


Quando la scarpa è troppo grande?

Nella scarpa il piedino ha bisogno di spazio davanti. Ma quando la scarpa è troppo grande? È troppo grande se una volta indossata, la scarpa, questa modifica il suo camminare abituale (ovvero se il bambino con la scarpa incespica o inciampa) in questo caso allora la scarpina non va bene. Altrimenti non ci sono problemi, va bene.

Solitamente si considera lo spazio minimo di 0,6 cm fino a un massimo di: il bambino non incespica o inciampa.

Ripetiamo che: LA SCARPA È UN COMPROMESSO, non un fattore estetico. Bobux, tra l’altro, è pure esteticamente super cool ;)


Ecco le fasi tradotte nei modelli delle scarpine Bobux:

La scarpina EXPLORER per imparare l’equilibrio: la sua suola è talmente sottile che permette al bambino di sentire dove appoggia i piedi. Questo perchè sta imparando l’equilibrio quindi (ripeto) il bambino deve sentire dove appoggia i piedi.

Cosa fa il bambino istintivamente quando non sente dove sta poggiando i piedi? Il bambino guarda, abbassa la testa per guardare, (in questa fase i bambini hanno la testa grande e pesante) guarda e si sbilancia in avanti col peso della testa. Se la scarpina invece gli permette di sentire tutto il bambino non ha bisogno di guardare.

Questa fase (EXPLORER) finisce quando il bambino, anche quando è stanco, per spostarsi lo fa in posizione eretta.


STEP-UP la fase dei primi passi: camminata a gambe larghe. Che significa a gambe larghe?  Significa spostare i pesi in modo da non pesare sulla verticale della caviglia (che in questa fase il bambino ancora deve rinforzare).

Osservando il bambino da dietro lo si vedrà molto bene. Se lui ciondola ancora con la schiena passando da destra a sinistra ecc allora è nella fase primi passi quindi STEP UP, altrimenti se la schiena rimane diritta e ferma allora il bambino è nella fase da camminatore esperto quindi I-WALK.


3 errori non facili da vedere:

1) Considerare il nostro bambino come un adulto in miniatura! Questo errore si commette solitamente quando scegliamo per il nostro bambino un prodotto che a noi grandi soddisfa e ci va bene. Per ovviare a questo errore bisogna domandarsi: ok a me va bene questo prodotto, ma cosa ci faccio io con questo prodotto? E cosa ci fa il mio bambino con questo prodotto?
Esempio: i jeans io li uso per uscire, sono comodi per ciò che io devo fare. Il bambino deve correre, giocare, saltare, alzarsi e sedersi da terra ecc... quindi il bambino ne fa un uso diverso dal mio. Vanno bene? Io quando corro, gioco ecc... metto la tuta
(questo non è per dire che i jeans vanno buttati, questo è solo un esempio per far capire come noi grandi a volte ragioniamo inconsciamente e facciamo un utilizzo di una cosa perché per noi è giusta e utile e come, nonostante questo, può non essere giusta o utile per il bambino)
2) Non sapere bene quello di cui si ha bisogno! Sai quello che vuoi? Sei sicura di quello che vuoi? Facciamoci e facciamo in chat, al telefono, via email tante domande sul prodotto, sulle tipologie ecc... per avere tante informazioni che ci permetteranno di sapere bene quello di cui abbiamo bisogno e che stiamo cercando.
3) Sapere quello che si vuole ma sbagliare l’acquisto. Quante volte compriamo con le migliori intenzioni e sappiamo cosa vogliamo ma alla fine il prodotto non lo rispecchia? Per ovviare a questo tipo di errore bisogna chiedere informazioni a chi è competente.





In diretta con noi avete ascoltato Callisto Zanellato

di @bobuxitalia e Emilia Mugnai @myfamilynation


Per qualsiasi domanda non esitate a chiederci.

Ci teniamo e vogliamo dare il meglio per voi.

Ricordiamo quindi che siamo qui apposta per qualsiasi dubbio, richiesta di informazioni o consiglio.

>> Scopri Bobux: clicca qui! <<


Family Nation è lo shop online dei migliori marchi di prodotti per mamme e bambini provenienti da tutto il mondo!



Bobux Xplorer Scamp Organic Shoes - Red - Organic Cotton - First Steps Shoes Bobux Xplorer Scamp Organic Shoes - Red - Organic Cotton - First Steps Shoes
Xplorer Scamp Organic Shoes - Red - Organic Cotton - First Steps
49.00 €
Bobux I Walk Cove Sandal - White - Expert Walkers Sandals Bobux I Walk Cove Sandal - White - Expert Walkers Sandals
I Walk Cove Sandal - White - Expert Walkers
77.00 €
Bobux Xplorer Scamp Organic Shoes - Yellow - Organic Cotton - First Steps Shoes Bobux Xplorer Scamp Organic Shoes - Yellow - Organic Cotton - First Steps Shoes
Xplorer Scamp Organic Shoes - Yellow - Organic Cotton - First Steps
49.00 €
Bobux I Walk Tidal Sandals - Lilla - Expert Walkers Sandals
I Walk Tidal Sandals - Lilla - Expert Walkers I Walk Tidal Sandals - Yellow - Expert Walkers I Walk Tidal Sandals - Blueberry - Expert Walkers
I Walk Tidal Sandals - Lilla - Expert Walkers
77.00 €
Bobux Step Up Compass Sandal - Rose - First Steps Sandals Bobux Step Up Compass Sandal - Rose - First Steps Sandals
Step Up Compass Sandal - Rose - First Steps
71.00 €
Bobux Step Up Summit Sandal - Burnt Olive and Fog - First Steps Sandals Bobux Step Up Summit Sandal - Burnt Olive and Fog - First Steps Sandals
Step Up Summit Sandal - Burnt Olive and Fog - First Steps
69.00 €
Bobux I Walk Cove Sandal - Navy - Expert Walkers Sandals Bobux I Walk Cove Sandal - Navy - Expert Walkers Sandals
I Walk Cove Sandal - Navy - Expert Walkers
77.00 €
Bobux I Walk Tropicana II Sandal - Navy - Expert Walkers Sandals
I Walk Tropicana II Sandal - Navy - Expert Walkers I Walk Tropicana II Sandal - Guava - Expert Walkers I-Walk Tropicana II Sandal - Mist - Interlaced Straps and Flexible Sole!
I Walk Tropicana II Sandal - Navy - Expert Walkers
77.00 €
Bobux Xplorer Scamp Organic Shoes - Seashell - Organic Cotton - First Steps Shoes Bobux Xplorer Scamp Organic Shoes - Seashell - Organic Cotton - First Steps Shoes
Xplorer Scamp Organic Shoes - Seashell - Organic Cotton - First Steps
49.00 €
Bobux Step Up Summit Sandal - Snorkel Blue and Sunny Lime - First Steps Sandals Bobux Step Up Summit Sandal - Snorkel Blue and Sunny Lime - First Steps Sandals
Step Up Summit Sandal - Snorkel Blue and Sunny Lime - First Steps
69.00 €
Bobux Step Up Roam Sandal - Caramel and Toffee - First Steps Shoes
Step Up Roam Sandal - Caramel and Toffee - First Steps Step-Up Roam Sandal - Navy - Flexible for First Steps! Step Up Roam Sandals - Forest and Navy - First Steps
Step Up Roam Sandal - Caramel and Toffee - First Steps
71.00 €
Bobux I Walk Comet Shoe - White and Navy - Expert Walkers Shoes Bobux I Walk Comet Shoe - White and Navy - Expert Walkers Shoes
I Walk Comet Shoe - White and Navy - Expert Walkers
88.00 €
Bobux Xplorer Scamp Organic Shoes - Navy - Organic Cotton - First Steps Shoes Bobux Xplorer Scamp Organic Shoes - Navy - Organic Cotton - First Steps Shoes
Xplorer Scamp Organic Shoes - Navy - Organic Cotton - First Steps
49.00 €
Bobux Step Up Tropicana II Sandal - Navy - First Steps Sandals Bobux Step Up Tropicana II Sandal - Navy - First Steps Sandals
Step Up Tropicana II Sandal - Navy - First Steps
72.00 €
Bobux I Walk Comet Shoe - White and Red - Expert Walkers Shoes Bobux I Walk Comet Shoe - White and Red - Expert Walkers Shoes
I Walk Comet Shoe - White and Red - Expert Walkers
88.00 €
Bobux I Walk Seedling II Shoe - Dusk - Expert Walkers Shoes
I Walk Seedling II Shoe - Dusk - Expert Walkers Scarpina I Walk Seedling II - Turmeric - Expert Walkers - with Reinforced Toe
I Walk Seedling II Shoe - Dusk - Expert Walkers
88.00 €
Bobux I Walk Dimension III Shoes - Blossom - Expert Walkers Shoes
I Walk Dimension III Shoes - Blossom - Expert Walkers I Walk Dimension III Shoes - Navy - Expert Walkers
I Walk Dimension III Shoes - Blossom - Expert Walkers
88.00 €
Bobux Step Up Cove Sandals - White - First Steps Sandals
Step Up Cove Sandals - White - First Steps Step Up Cove Sandals - Lilac - First Steps Step Up Cove Sandals - Guava - First Steps
Step Up Cove Sandals - White - First Steps
67.00 €
Bobux Step Up Tropicana II Sandal -White - First Steps Sandals
Step Up Tropicana II Sandal -White - First Steps
72.00 €
Bobux I-Walk Zap II Sandal - Navy - Flexible in Quickdry Leather Shoes Bobux I-Walk Zap II Sandal - Navy - Flexible in Quickdry Leather Shoes
I-Walk Zap II Sandal - Navy - Flexible in Quickdry Leather
77.00 €
Bobux Step Up Zap II Sandal - Guava - First Steps Sandals Bobux Step Up Zap II Sandal - Guava - First Steps Sandals
Step Up Zap II Sandal - Guava - First Steps
69.00 €
Bobux Step Up Cross Jump Navy Shoes
Step Up Cross Jump Navy Step Up Cross Jump Sandals - Rose - First Steps
Step Up Cross Jump Navy
71.00 €
Bobux Step Up Zap II Sandal - Navy - First Steps Sandals Bobux Step Up Zap II Sandal - Navy - First Steps Sandals
Step Up Zap II Sandal - Navy - First Steps
69.00 €
Bobux I-Walk Zap II Sandal - Seashell Shimmer - Flexible in Quickdry Leather Sandals Bobux I-Walk Zap II Sandal - Seashell Shimmer - Flexible in Quickdry Leather Sandals
I-Walk Zap II Sandal - Seashell Shimmer - Flexible in Quickdry Leather
77.00 €
Bobux Step-Up Cross Jump Sandal - White - Flexible Sole for First Steps Sandals
Step-Up Cross Jump Sandal - White - Flexible Sole for First Steps Step Up Cross Jump Sandals - Rose - First Steps
Step-Up Cross Jump Sandal - White - Flexible Sole for First Steps
71.00 €
Bobux Step Up Tropicana II Sandal - Seashell Shimmer - First Steps Sandals
Step Up Tropicana II Sandal - Seashell Shimmer - First Steps
72.00 €
Bobux Step Up Tidal Sandal - Navy - First Steps Sandals
Step Up Tidal Sandal - Navy - First Steps Step Up Tidal Sandal - Yellow - First Steps
Step Up Tidal Sandal - Navy - First Steps
72.00 €
Bobux Step-Up Summit Sandal - Blueberry/Neon - Aktiv Sole for All Terrain Sandals Bobux Step-Up Summit Sandal - Blueberry/Neon - Aktiv Sole for All Terrain Sandals
Step-Up Summit Sandal - Blueberry/Neon - Aktiv Sole for All Terrain
63.00 €
Bobux Step Up Tropicana II Sandal - Guava - First Steps Sandals
Step Up Tropicana II Sandal - Guava - First Steps
72.00 €
Bobux I-Walk Tropicana II Sandal - Seashell Shimmer - Interlaced Straps and Flexible Sole! Sandals
I-Walk Tropicana II Sandal - Seashell Shimmer - Interlaced Straps and Flexible Sole! I Walk Tropicana II Sandal - Guava - Expert Walkers I-Walk Tropicana II Sandal - Mist - Interlaced Straps and Flexible Sole!
I-Walk Tropicana II Sandal - Seashell Shimmer - Interlaced Straps and Flexible Sole!
77.00 €
Bobux Step Up Tidal Sandal - Blueberry - First Steps Sandals
Step Up Tidal Sandal - Blueberry - First Steps Step Up Tidal Sandal - Yellow - First Steps
Step Up Tidal Sandal - Blueberry - First Steps
72.00 €
Bobux Soft Sole, Navy con Giraffe - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole Shoes
Soft Sole, Navy con Giraffe - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Beige with Giraffe - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tipper Cobalt - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Stardust Aqua Shimmer - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Silver Hop - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Navy with Car - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Blossom Hop - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole Shoe - White with Floral Pattern - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tipper Cobalt - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tracks Slate - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Flip Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Dalmatian Print - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Chickie Blossom - The Best Thing After Bare Feet Soft Sole, Navy with Leopard - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Navy with Tiger - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Moby Sky Grey - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Racer Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Caramel with Bear - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Sky Grey - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Papa Bear Toffee - The Best Thing After Bare Feet Soft Sole - Leopard Blue - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Stardust Lilac Shimmer - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Puppy Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Milk Balloons - The next best thing after bare feet! ...
Soft Sole, Navy con Giraffe - The next best thing after bare feet!
38.00 €
Bobux I Walk Zap II Sandal - Guava - Expert Walkers Sandals Bobux I Walk Zap II Sandal - Guava - Expert Walkers Sandals
I Walk Zap II Sandal - Guava - Expert Walkers
77.00 €
Bobux Xplorer Go Organic Shoes - Seashell and Guava - Organic Cotton - First Steps Shoes Bobux Xplorer Go Organic Shoes - Seashell and Guava - Organic Cotton - First Steps Shoes
Xplorer Go Organic Shoes - Seashell and Guava - Organic Cotton - First Steps
55.00 €
Bobux I Walk Jodhpur Boots - Caramel - Comfort and Style Shoes Bobux I Walk Jodhpur Boots - Caramel - Comfort and Style Shoes
I Walk Jodhpur Boots - Caramel - Comfort and Style
80.00 €
Bobux Step Up Zap II Sandal - Seashell Shimmer - First Steps Sandals Bobux Step Up Zap II Sandal - Seashell Shimmer - First Steps Sandals
Step Up Zap II Sandal - Seashell Shimmer - First Steps
69.00 €
Bobux I Walk Tropicana II Sandal - White - Expert Walkers Sandals
I Walk Tropicana II Sandal - White - Expert Walkers
77.00 €
Bobux I Walk Seedling II Shoe - Indigo Blue - Expert Walkers - with Reinforced Toe Shoes
I Walk Seedling II Shoe - Indigo Blue - Expert Walkers - with Reinforced Toe Scarpina I Walk Seedling II - Turmeric - Expert Walkers - with Reinforced Toe
I Walk Seedling II Shoe - Indigo Blue - Expert Walkers - with Reinforced Toe
88.00 €
Bobux I Walk Cross Jump Sandal - Rose - Expert Walkers Sandals
I Walk Cross Jump Sandal - Rose - Expert Walkers I Walk Cross Jump Sandals - Navy - Expert Walkers
I Walk Cross Jump Sandal - Rose - Expert Walkers
82.00 €
Bobux I Walk Timber Boot - Mustard - Comfort and Protection for Cool Climates Shoes Bobux I Walk Timber Boot - Mustard - Comfort and Protection for Cool Climates Shoes
I Walk Timber Boot - Mustard - Comfort and Protection for Cool Climates
80.00 €
Bobux I-Walk Mirror Sandal - Mist/Dusk Pearl Rainbow - Quickdry Leather Sandals Bobux I-Walk Mirror Sandal - Mist/Dusk Pearl Rainbow - Quickdry Leather Sandals
I-Walk Mirror Sandal - Mist/Dusk Pearl Rainbow - Quickdry Leather
77.00 €
Bobux I-Walk Summit Sandal - Blueberry/Neon - Aktiv Sole for All Terrain! Sandals
I-Walk Summit Sandal - Blueberry/Neon - Aktiv Sole for All Terrain! I-Walk Summit Sandal - Guava/Mist - Aktiv Sole for All Terrain!
I-Walk Summit Sandal - Blueberry/Neon - Aktiv Sole for All Terrain!
77.00 €
Bobux Step Up Grass Court - White and Forest - First Steps Sneakers Bobux Step Up Grass Court - White and Forest - First Steps Sneakers
Step Up Grass Court - White and Forest - First Steps
71.00 €
Bobux I Walk Grass Court Shoes - Seashell - Expert Walkers Sneakers
I Walk Grass Court Shoes - Seashell - Expert Walkers I Walk Grass Court Shoes - White and Forest - Expert Walkers I Walk Grass Court Shoes - White and Sand - Expert Walkers
I Walk Grass Court Shoes - Seashell - Expert Walkers
82.00 €
Bobux Xplorer Go Organic Shoes - Charcoal - Organic Cotton - First Steps Shoes Bobux Xplorer Go Organic Shoes - Charcoal - Organic Cotton - First Steps Shoes
Xplorer Go Organic Shoes - Charcoal - Organic Cotton - First Steps
55.00 €
Bobux Xplorer Go Organic Shoes - Navy - Organic Cotton - First Steps Shoes Bobux Xplorer Go Organic Shoes - Navy - Organic Cotton - First Steps Shoes
Last size US 2.5
Xplorer Go Organic Shoes - Navy - Organic Cotton - First Steps
55.00 €
Bobux Step-Up Tropicana II Sandal - Mist - Flexible - First Steps Sandals Bobux Step-Up Tropicana II Sandal - Mist - Flexible - First Steps Sandals
Step-Up Tropicana II Sandal - Mist - Flexible - First Steps
72.00 €
Bobux Kid Plus Jodhpur Boots - Black - Comfort and Style! Shoes Bobux Kid Plus Jodhpur Boots - Black - Comfort and Style! Shoes
Kid Plus Jodhpur Boots - Black - Comfort and Style!
90.00 €
Bobux Step Up Grass Court - White and Caramel - First Steps Sneakers Bobux Step Up Grass Court - White and Caramel - First Steps Sneakers
Last size US 3.5
Step Up Grass Court - White and Caramel - First Steps
71.00 €
Bobux Step Up Cove Sandals - Navy - First Steps Shoes
Last size US 4-4.5
Step Up Cove Sandals - Navy - First Steps Step Up Cove Sandals - Lilac - First Steps Step Up Cove Sandals - Guava - First Steps
Step Up Cove Sandals - Navy - First Steps
67.00 €
Bobux Step Up Grass Court Shoes - Rose Gold - First Steps Sneakers Bobux Step Up Grass Court Shoes - Rose Gold - First Steps Sneakers
Last size US 6
Step Up Grass Court Shoes - Rose Gold - First Steps
71.00 €
Bobux Step Up Embossed Shoes - White and Seashell Shimmer - First Steps Sneakers Bobux Step Up Embossed Shoes - White and Seashell Shimmer - First Steps Sneakers
Last size US 3.5
Step Up Embossed Shoes - White and Seashell Shimmer - First Steps
72.00 €
Bobux I Walk Riley Shoe - White and Red - Expert Walkers Sneakers
Last size US 8
I Walk Riley Shoe - White and Red - Expert Walkers I Walk Riley Shoes - White and Lilac - Expert Walkers
I Walk Riley Shoe - White and Red - Expert Walkers
88.00 €
Bobux Step Up Hi Court Switch - Smoke - Super Flexible Outsole Shoes
-30% Last size US 3.5
Step Up Hi Court Switch - Smoke - Super Flexible Outsole Step Up Hi Court Shoe - Navy - Super Flexible Outsole!
Step Up Hi Court Switch - Smoke - Super Flexible Outsole
Prezzo iniziale 73.00 €
73.00 € 51.10 €
Bobux Step-Up Zap II Sandal - White - Quickdry Leather for First Steps Sandals Bobux Step-Up Zap II Sandal - White - Quickdry Leather for First Steps Sandals
Last size US 2.5
Step-Up Zap II Sandal - White - Quickdry Leather for First Steps
69.00 €
Bobux I-Walk Roam Sandal, Charcoal - Super flexible sole! Sandals Bobux I-Walk Roam Sandal, Charcoal - Super flexible sole! Sandals
Last size US 7-7.5
I-Walk Roam Sandal, Charcoal - Super flexible sole!
82.00 €
Bobux Step-Up Jump Sandal, Coral - Ultra flexible, perfect for first steps! Sandals Bobux Step-Up Jump Sandal, Coral - Ultra flexible, perfect for first steps! Sandals
Last size US 6
Step-Up Jump Sandal, Coral - Ultra flexible, perfect for first steps!
65.00 €
Bobux I-Walk Roam Sandal - Navy Blue - Super flexible sole! Sandals
I-Walk Roam Sandal - Navy Blue - Super flexible sole! I Walk Roam Sandal - Forest and Navy - Expert Walkers
I-Walk Roam Sandal - Navy Blue - Super flexible sole!
82.00 €
Bobux I Walk Tidal Sandals - Yellow - Expert Walkers Sandals
I Walk Tidal Sandals - Yellow - Expert Walkers I Walk Tidal Sandals - Blueberry - Expert Walkers
I Walk Tidal Sandals - Yellow - Expert Walkers
77.00 €
Bobux Soft Sole, Beige with Giraffe - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole Shoes
Soft Sole, Beige with Giraffe - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tipper Cobalt - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Stardust Aqua Shimmer - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Silver Hop - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Navy with Car - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Blossom Hop - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole Shoe - White with Floral Pattern - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tipper Cobalt - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tracks Slate - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Flip Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Dalmatian Print - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Chickie Blossom - The Best Thing After Bare Feet Soft Sole, Navy with Leopard - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Navy with Tiger - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Moby Sky Grey - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Racer Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Caramel with Bear - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Sky Grey - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Papa Bear Toffee - The Best Thing After Bare Feet Soft Sole - Leopard Blue - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Stardust Lilac Shimmer - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Puppy Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Milk Balloons - The next best thing after bare feet! ...
Soft Sole, Beige with Giraffe - The next best thing after bare feet!
38.00 €
Bobux Xplorer Go Shoes - Lilac - Premium Leather - First steps Shoes
Xplorer Go Shoes - Lilac - Premium Leather - First steps Xplorer Go Shoes - Seashell - Premium Leather - First steps Xplorer Go - Smoke - Leather and Super Flexible Sole
Xplorer Go Shoes - Lilac - Premium Leather - First steps
55.00 €
Bobux Step Up Cove Sandals - Guava - First Steps Shoes
Step Up Cove Sandals - Guava - First Steps Step Up Cove Sandals - Lilac - First Steps
Step Up Cove Sandals - Guava - First Steps
67.00 €
Bobux I Walk Dimension III Shoes - Navy - Expert Walkers Shoes Bobux I Walk Dimension III Shoes - Navy - Expert Walkers Shoes
I Walk Dimension III Shoes - Navy - Expert Walkers
88.00 €
Bobux Scarpina I Walk Seedling II - Turmeric - Expert Walkers - with Reinforced Toe Shoes Bobux Scarpina I Walk Seedling II - Turmeric - Expert Walkers - with Reinforced Toe Shoes
Scarpina I Walk Seedling II - Turmeric - Expert Walkers - with Reinforced Toe
88.00 €
Bobux I Walk Cross Jump Sandals - Navy - Expert Walkers Shoes Bobux I Walk Cross Jump Sandals - Navy - Expert Walkers Shoes
I Walk Cross Jump Sandals - Navy - Expert Walkers
82.00 €
Bobux Step-Up Roam Sandal - Navy - Flexible for First Steps! Sandals
Step-Up Roam Sandal - Navy - Flexible for First Steps! Step Up Roam Sandals - Forest and Navy - First Steps
Step-Up Roam Sandal - Navy - Flexible for First Steps!
71.00 €
Bobux I Walk Tropicana II Sandal - Guava - Expert Walkers Sandals
I Walk Tropicana II Sandal - Guava - Expert Walkers I-Walk Tropicana II Sandal - Mist - Interlaced Straps and Flexible Sole!
I Walk Tropicana II Sandal - Guava - Expert Walkers
77.00 €
Bobux Soft Sole, Navy with Tiger - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole Shoes
Soft Sole, Navy with Tiger - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Beige with Giraffe - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tipper Cobalt - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Stardust Aqua Shimmer - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Silver Hop - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Navy with Car - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Blossom Hop - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole Shoe - White with Floral Pattern - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tipper Cobalt - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tracks Slate - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Flip Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Dalmatian Print - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Chickie Blossom - The Best Thing After Bare Feet Soft Sole, Navy with Leopard - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Moby Sky Grey - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Racer Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Caramel with Bear - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Sky Grey - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Papa Bear Toffee - The Best Thing After Bare Feet Soft Sole - Leopard Blue - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Stardust Lilac Shimmer - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Puppy Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Milk Balloons - The next best thing after bare feet! ...
Soft Sole, Navy with Tiger - The next best thing after bare feet!
38.00 €
Bobux Soft Sole, Navy with Leopard - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole Shoes
Soft Sole, Navy with Leopard - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Beige with Giraffe - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tipper Cobalt - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Stardust Aqua Shimmer - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Silver Hop - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Navy with Car - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Blossom Hop - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole Shoe - White with Floral Pattern - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tipper Cobalt - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tracks Slate - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Flip Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Dalmatian Print - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Chickie Blossom - The Best Thing After Bare Feet Soft Sole, Navy with Tiger - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Moby Sky Grey - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Racer Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Caramel with Bear - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Sky Grey - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Papa Bear Toffee - The Best Thing After Bare Feet Soft Sole - Leopard Blue - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Stardust Lilac Shimmer - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Puppy Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Milk Balloons - The next best thing after bare feet! ...
Soft Sole, Navy with Leopard - The next best thing after bare feet!
38.00 €
Bobux Step Up Play Knit Shoes - Navy and Orange - First Steps Shoes
Step Up Play Knit Shoes - Navy and Orange - First Steps Step-Up Play Knit Shoe - Grey/Yellow - Stretchy Knitted Midsection! Step-Up Play Knit Shoe - Mist/White - Stretchy Knitted Midsection!
Step Up Play Knit Shoes - Navy and Orange - First Steps
71.00 €
Bobux I-Walk Tropicana II Sandal - Mist - Interlaced Straps and Flexible Sole! Sandals
I-Walk Tropicana II Sandal - Mist - Interlaced Straps and Flexible Sole! I Walk Tropicana II Sandal - Guava - Expert Walkers
I-Walk Tropicana II Sandal - Mist - Interlaced Straps and Flexible Sole!
77.00 €
Bobux Step Up Tidal Sandal - Yellow - First Steps Sandals
Step Up Tidal Sandal - Yellow - First Steps
72.00 €
Bobux Step Up Roam Sandals - Forest and Navy - First Steps Sandals
Step Up Roam Sandals - Forest and Navy - First Steps Step-Up Roam Sandal - Navy - Flexible for First Steps!
Step Up Roam Sandals - Forest and Navy - First Steps
71.00 €
Bobux I Walk Riley Shoes - White and Lilac - Expert Walkers Sneakers Bobux I Walk Riley Shoes - White and Lilac - Expert Walkers Sneakers
I Walk Riley Shoes - White and Lilac - Expert Walkers
88.00 €
Bobux Step Up Cross Jump Sandals - Rose - First Steps Sandals Bobux Step Up Cross Jump Sandals - Rose - First Steps Sandals
Step Up Cross Jump Sandals - Rose - First Steps
71.00 €
Bobux Step Up Hi Court Shoe - Navy - Super Flexible Outsole! Shoes Bobux Step Up Hi Court Shoe - Navy - Super Flexible Outsole! Shoes
Step Up Hi Court Shoe - Navy - Super Flexible Outsole!
70.00 €
Bobux Soft Sole, Milk Balloons - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole Shoes
Soft Sole, Milk Balloons - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Beige with Giraffe - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tipper Cobalt - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Stardust Aqua Shimmer - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Silver Hop - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Navy with Car - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Blossom Hop - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole Shoe - White with Floral Pattern - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tipper Cobalt - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tracks Slate - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Flip Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Dalmatian Print - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Chickie Blossom - The Best Thing After Bare Feet Soft Sole, Navy with Leopard - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Navy with Tiger - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Moby Sky Grey - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Racer Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Caramel with Bear - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Sky Grey - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Papa Bear Toffee - The Best Thing After Bare Feet Soft Sole - Leopard Blue - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Stardust Lilac Shimmer - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Puppy Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! ...
Soft Sole, Milk Balloons - The next best thing after bare feet!
38.00 €
Bobux I Walk Grass Court Shoes - White and Sand - Expert Walkers Sneakers
I Walk Grass Court Shoes - White and Sand - Expert Walkers I Walk Grass Court Shoes - White and Forest - Expert Walkers
I Walk Grass Court Shoes - White and Sand - Expert Walkers
82.00 €
Bobux Step Up Timber Boot - Mustard - Super Flexible Sole! Shoes Bobux Step Up Timber Boot - Mustard - Super Flexible Sole! Shoes
Step Up Timber Boot - Mustard - Super Flexible Sole!
Prezzo iniziale 73.00 €
73.00 € 58.40 €
Bobux Soft Sole, Blossom Hop - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole Shoes
Last size XL
Soft Sole, Blossom Hop - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Beige with Giraffe - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tipper Cobalt - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Stardust Aqua Shimmer - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Silver Hop - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Navy with Car - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole Shoe - White with Floral Pattern - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tipper Cobalt - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tracks Slate - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Flip Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Dalmatian Print - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Chickie Blossom - The Best Thing After Bare Feet Soft Sole, Navy with Leopard - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Navy with Tiger - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Moby Sky Grey - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Racer Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Caramel with Bear - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Sky Grey - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Papa Bear Toffee - The Best Thing After Bare Feet Soft Sole - Leopard Blue - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Stardust Lilac Shimmer - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Puppy Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Milk Balloons - The next best thing after bare feet! ...
Soft Sole, Blossom Hop - The next best thing after bare feet!
38.00 €
Bobux Soft Sole, Silver Hop - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole Shoes
Last size XL
Soft Sole, Silver Hop - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Beige with Giraffe - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tipper Cobalt - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Stardust Aqua Shimmer - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Navy with Car - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Blossom Hop - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole Shoe - White with Floral Pattern - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tipper Cobalt - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tracks Slate - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Flip Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Dalmatian Print - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Chickie Blossom - The Best Thing After Bare Feet Soft Sole, Navy with Leopard - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Navy with Tiger - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Moby Sky Grey - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Racer Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Caramel with Bear - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Sky Grey - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Papa Bear Toffee - The Best Thing After Bare Feet Soft Sole - Leopard Blue - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Stardust Lilac Shimmer - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Puppy Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Milk Balloons - The next best thing after bare feet! ...
Soft Sole, Silver Hop - The next best thing after bare feet!
38.00 €
Bobux Step-Up Grass Court Trainer - Smoke - First Steps Sneakers Bobux Step-Up Grass Court Trainer - Smoke - First Steps Sneakers
Last size US 3.5
Step-Up Grass Court Trainer - Smoke - First Steps
71.00 €
Bobux Soft Sole, Navy with Car - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole Shoes
Last size S
Soft Sole, Navy with Car - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Beige with Giraffe - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tipper Cobalt - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Stardust Aqua Shimmer - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Silver Hop - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Blossom Hop - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole Shoe - White with Floral Pattern - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tipper Cobalt - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tracks Slate - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Flip Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Dalmatian Print - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Chickie Blossom - The Best Thing After Bare Feet Soft Sole, Navy with Leopard - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Navy with Tiger - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Moby Sky Grey - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Racer Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Caramel with Bear - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Sky Grey - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Papa Bear Toffee - The Best Thing After Bare Feet Soft Sole - Leopard Blue - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Stardust Lilac Shimmer - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Puppy Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Milk Balloons - The next best thing after bare feet! ...
Soft Sole, Navy with Car - The next best thing after bare feet!
38.00 €
Bobux I Walk Grass Court Shoes - White and Forest - Expert Walkers Sneakers
Last size US 8
I Walk Grass Court Shoes - White and Forest - Expert Walkers I Walk Grass Court Shoes - White and Sand - Expert Walkers
I Walk Grass Court Shoes - White and Forest - Expert Walkers
82.00 €
Bobux Soft Sole, Caramel with Bear - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole Shoes
Last size Newborn
Soft Sole, Caramel with Bear - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Beige with Giraffe - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tipper Cobalt - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Stardust Aqua Shimmer - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Silver Hop - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Navy with Car - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Blossom Hop - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole Shoe - White with Floral Pattern - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tipper Cobalt - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tracks Slate - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Flip Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Dalmatian Print - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Chickie Blossom - The Best Thing After Bare Feet Soft Sole, Navy with Leopard - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Navy with Tiger - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Moby Sky Grey - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Racer Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Sky Grey - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Papa Bear Toffee - The Best Thing After Bare Feet Soft Sole - Leopard Blue - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Stardust Lilac Shimmer - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Puppy Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Milk Balloons - The next best thing after bare feet! ...
Soft Sole, Caramel with Bear - The next best thing after bare feet!
38.00 €
Bobux Soft Sole, Puppy Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole Shoes
Last size XL
Soft Sole, Puppy Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Beige with Giraffe - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tipper Cobalt - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Stardust Aqua Shimmer - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Silver Hop - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Navy with Car - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Blossom Hop - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole Shoe - White with Floral Pattern - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tipper Cobalt - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Tracks Slate - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Flip Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Dalmatian Print - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Chickie Blossom - The Best Thing After Bare Feet Soft Sole, Navy with Leopard - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Navy with Tiger - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Moby Sky Grey - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Racer Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Caramel with Bear - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Sky Grey - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Papa Bear Toffee - The Best Thing After Bare Feet Soft Sole - Leopard Blue - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Blossom - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Stardust Lilac Shimmer - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Scoot Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole - Party Bear Navy - The next best thing after bare feet! Soft Sole, Milk Balloons - The next best thing after bare feet! ...
Soft Sole, Puppy Navy - The next best thing after bare feet!
38.00 €