
Since 1991 PICKAPOOH specializes on the design and hand-production of ecologically sound, trendy, and high-quality hats and other accessories that kids and adults love to wear for their perfect fit. In 1998 it switched his production fully to using organic materials exclusively. It lives up to strict ecological criteria and social responsibility to the full benefit of people, animals, plants, and our environment. It works exclusively with merino wool from ecologically raised livestock ((kontrolliert biologische Tierhaltung (kbT)) and organic cotton (kontrolliert biologischer Anbau (kbA)). It solely produces „MADE IN GERMANY“, respecting internationally accepted social standards and only working with fix-contracted employees. It supports fair trade and does business respecting human dignity. His hats made from this mix of 70% organic merino wool (kbT) and 30% silk are comfortable and enjoyable to wear. Since 2004 it offers a collection with natural UV protection certified according to the UV-STANDARD 801. PICKAPOOH is a registered trademark at the German Patent and Trademark Office, and a member of the iVN (International Association of the Natural Textile Industry).